Masar was established in 2010 as Holmuradov Design by Ulughbek Kholmurodov, who had worked in the field of design of interiors, furniture and jewelry for many years.

Nowadays our company is known in the market for its geometric products, socially-oriented projects and advertising campaigns.

We are engaged in jewelry manufacturing as well as in architecture and interior design Being unconventional and modern, our design has become our hallmark.

Quality policy is our priority, so all Masar products are handmade. They are produced by a team, consisting of at least third-generation goldsmiths. All design is created by Ulugbek Kholmurоdov.

Our design strategy is the development of arts and crafts in the Republic of Uzbekistan. However, by creating an authentic design we deny any thoughtless imitation or copying of national shapes and patterns.

All our jewelry design is a property of Ulugbek Kholmurodov. Any illegal use, copying of items or photographs is liable to legal prosecution under the Copyright Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

We are always open to reasonable offers, comments and questions. We will be happy if you send any to masarjewellе